The Pearl of the South...

Marrakech is undoubtedly the most exotic city in Morocco. She has always been appreciated for its uniqueness.

Arab poets called "Pearl of the South, leaving the Atlas." It is also known as the "Red City" or "City of Gardens".

In winter, the snow-capped Atlas admired at the southern horizon and the city was burning under the desert sun.

Marrakech is clearly divided into two different cities: the protected para a great wall and the new city, Gueliz Medina. Gueliz has all the facilities of a modern city.

Marrakech was founded as a commercial center and craft by an ancient Berber population that dominated southern Morocco.

It is one of the four royal cities (Fez, Meknes, Rabat and Marrakech), and offers provided many buildings and monuments documenting its history.

Medina Marrrakech is surrounded by a large earthen wall 20 km rusty becomes purple in the light of the setting sun. A carriage ride along the walls at sunset is a unique experience.
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