Wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. Every champion dreams to win this mythical tournament of the Grand Slam one day on their career. The traditions and the unique atmosphere makes it one of the most important sports events of the planet. World Select Holidays suggest you to go to London and to assist at this tournament in VIP conditions.
Your program Wimbledon Grand Slam Tournament
Your VIP package includes
- VIP Access pass to your select reception area situated within the tournament ring
- Cocktail with champagne and canapé served on arrival
- High quality dinner served at your reserved table (wine and liquors included)
- Your reserved seat in 1st category grandstand on the central court for the day of your choice
- Traditional tea time with strawberries and cream
- Hostesses service
- TV network
- Air conditioned area
- Tournament magazines and official program
- Reserved parking (1 for 4)
- VIP assistance
- Paris - London flight
- We can also organize your complete stay on site : Transfers, restaurants, guided visit of famous places, VIP soirees ...
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